We've built a strong foundation at Flagship. It all starts with an industry-first 3" TALL cross beam underneath our floors, which is a full 1" taller than the industry standard and exponentially stronger, especially when combined with our other industry-leading construction and design elements.

"OVerbuild it, or don't build it."
We don't believe in half measures in anything that we do. Especially when it comes to our construction. Our rails are 2.5" tall, which is 2x the industry standard.
couple that with our 3" crossbeams and full-length M-bracing on our Discover models and you've got yourself a boat that's been described as a tank.

strength = performance
You're going to feel our construction in everything you do. from cruising to red-line performance, it's going to feel different. It's also the quietest ride on the lake thanks to our anti-vibration panel design. you won't find any creaking, rattling, or shaking that you would normally find on a pontoon. everything has been designed down to the last detail to give you the best ride on the lake.

unique designs
after breaking ground in our structural design, we pushed ourselves to continue to think differently about our exterior rail design. most pontoons have the same footprint. that's hard to get away from as that footprint allows it to function the way it was intended. but in the search for our signature we were able to find a corner of our own. minimal rail supports, made possible by our 2.5" rail design give way to gradual curves and open rail designs throughout our line up. it's a truly one-of-a-kind from the ground up.

We have over 70 years of experience in the manufacturing and marine industry, which was earned here in the heartland, why would we build our boats anywhere other than Wisconsin, home to the best workforce in the country.
Built better.
built stronger.
built local.

service first
service is our number one priority. many companies say that. not all of them follow through. well here at Flagship, if you're not happy then neither are we. our staff is available anytime via phone to support our dealers and customers and when you call, an honest-to-god human voice will answer. as a company, we strive to have the best possible customer service and that standard is set by the Flaship service team.